In addition to blog writing and management services, I also provide content for print publications, websites, newsletters, and/or social media channels. If it’s web content you need, I can include any keywords you provide to make it SEO-friendly.
You’ll own all rights to the content I write for you, but if you’d like to give me credit by adding my byline or bio, I would be very appreciative. As my thanks to you for the byline or bio, I’ll give you a 30% discount.
Rates for Quality Long-Form Content (800 or more words):
1 to 14 articles: $150 per article
15 to 100 articles: $140 per article
eBook and Guide Writing Services
$15 per page with a minimum of 10 pages and a maximum of 30 pages. For each page after 30 pages, the rate would be $10 per page. For example, if your eBook is 50 pages, the total cost would be $650.